(GHCIPBBA) Membership comes with many advantages and benefits. Lawyer welfare, education, advocacy, networking, volunteering and mentoring opportunities, referrals — these are just some of the many reasons to belong to the Gauhati High Court Itanagar Permanent Bench Bar Association.
Lawyer Welfare
(GHCIPBBA) regularly organises seminars, conferences and educational workshops to promote a full rounded development for its member Advocates. These seminars promote the dissemination of information on legal subjects and is facilitated by subject experts.
ADVOCACY:(GHCIPBBA) provides opportunities to its members to work together and craft policy to help advance legislative positions, to raise awareness and bring change to important issues that affect the profession and the administration of justice.
VOLUNTEERING AND MENTORING OPPORTUNITIES: provides guidance, advice, and valuable mentoring to its members along with various volunteering opportunities for legal & social causes.
GHCIPBBA Membership
Become a Member
To become a member of GHCIPBBA, the application form has to be purchased from the GHCIPBBA Membership
Become a Member:
To become a member of GHCIPBBA, the application form has to be purchased from the GHCIPBBA office for Rs.100/-. This form has to be filled in and submitted to CBA office along with appropriate fees and required documents.
Become a Member
Application Form
Buy Application Form From GHCIPBBA Office for Rs.100/.
Submit From
Submit Filled From With Fees & Documents GHCIPBBA Office
Become Member
Become GHCIPBBA Member and Avail Many Benefits
Enrolment / Admission fee is as below
payable by way of cheque in favour of “Gauhati High Court Itanagar Permanent Bench Court Bar Association Admission Fee”
Lawyers who are below 30 years of age – Rs.3500
Lawyers who above 30 years of age – Rs.7000 and
Senior Advocates – Rs.10,000.
One Year’s subscription shall also be payable along with application for membership. Membership Form & Rules: Rs.50. Readmission Fees Rs.500/ payable by way of cheque in favour of “Gauhati High Court Itanagar Permanent Bench Court Bar Association.”
NOTE: The cheque has to be made from the personal account of the applicant. Cash, Demand Draft or on-line transfers are not accepted.
The Revised Monthly subscription is as follows:
– Rs.50/- per month
Documents to be Attached With the Application Form
Admission Fee & Subscription as applicable by way of two separate Cheques. Admission Fee payable by way of cheque in favour of “Gauhati High Court Itanagar Permanent Bench Court Bar Association Admission Fee”. Subscription Fee payable by way of cheque in favour of “Gauhati High Court Itanagar Permanent Bench Court Bar Association.” In case of dishonour of cheque(s) Rs.500/- will be levied as cheque bouncing charges.
Photocopy of, Bar Council Enrolment Certificate & photocopy of Law Degree.
Photocopy of Metric / Higher Secondary Certificate in proof of age.
Click to download the sample application form to enrol for the Gauhati High Court Itanagar Permanent Bench Court Bar Association. The actual form has to be purchased for INR 100 from Gauhati High Court Itanagar Permanent Bench Court Bar Association office.
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.